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JP Morgan - Heuristic Evaluation


When I joined JP Morgan, I was assigned to a product that had been running for two years with no design resource. The platform contained many inconsistencies as features has been built in silos, creating lots of usability issues.


I conducted an heuristic evaluation to take an holistic view of the product and created a report of prioritised opportunities to support the 2022 road map.

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What we did

Step 1

Myself and another designer identified 8 key journeys.


Step 2

We ran an expert review of these journeys and identified all potential pain points. Issues we looked for included inconsistency in patterns, unintuitive interaction behaviour, unclear use of icons, navigation issues and many others. 


Step 3

As issues were identifies, they were tagged with a Nielsen Norman Group usability principle. We identified around 60 problems of varying severity.


Step 4

We created an affinity map to group the themes to help us the the prevalence of the various issues.


Step 5

We then turned the themes into problem statements to help define the opportunity for each group. From these problem statements we made suggestions on how best to tackle each problem. We broke these suggestions into 2 categories:
1. Quick wins - which were identified as work which required only dev work, with little UX and UI involvement.

2. Longer term - which were identified as work which we recommend doing, but would need further exploration from UX and UI.


Step 6

Taking the list of 'quick wins', we held calls with the developers to tshirt size the back end work required for the fix. We then created a quick wins recommendation report, listing all the opportunities, with dev sizing, to senior stakeholders. 


Step 7

After this, we took all the 'longer term' themes, and plot them on an impact/effort matrix. Impact was considered as improvement to the user, and effort was based on UX/UI effort. This allowed us to start prioritising the opportunities. The matrix quadrants were labelled Do Now, Do Next, Do Later, Do Last. 


Step 8

These prioritised recommendations were compiled into a report which was given to senior stakeholders, calling out next steps and highlighting all parties that would need to be involved to take this forward, along with estimated timings. 

user flow.jpeg
Affinity Map.jpg

The outcome

What can I say? This report went viral!  


I was asked to present this report in three senior stakeholder meetings, as well as peer reviews to 300+ employees.


The quick wins were immediately accepted into the development backlog and work began on the highest prioritised issues.


Not only was the individual report well received, it was also the tipping point in changing the way the team worked. It made product slow down and start to consider the user from the outset, and highlighted the need for cross team collaboration. 


It is one of the projects I am most proud of in my career. If only I could show it to you! (Project was under NDA)

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